We align global eLearning programs by localized content

E-Learning Localization

With an exponential rise for many companies and educational institutes making a paradigm shift from traditional to E-learning, the demand for E-Learning Localization shows a sharp uptick. To address the growing requirements, we provide Localization of E-Learning Courses in French, German, Italian & Spanish that simulates real-life interactions.

Besides that, we also provide Localization of E-Learning Tutorials and Training Courses in Chinese, Arabic & Korean with culturally appropriate content so you can maximize your global viewership. The main objective behind this is to increase your market reach, gain global exposure, and step up your game by educating your employees throughout the world. As one of the top translation and localization companies, we have worked on more than 100 international languages to make the eLearning courses more effective.

With an experienced team, we also offer fast turnaround times, unmatched accuracy and round the clock customer support desk holding proven track records in successfully delivering Localization of Learning And Management Systems, Webinars And L & D Programs.

Our E-Learning Localization includes


Comprehensive multimedia authoring


XML-based training


Training websites and modules


PowerPoint and multimedia presentations


New employee orientation


Professional voice-over service using native language

You can count on us to take your E-learning to the global level with Localization.

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